Zoe Gras

A Creator Lives Here

Have you ever wanted to learn to weave, but were too overwhelmed with learning? Or maybe you know how to weave, but want to create a simple project where you can fully express your creativity? In this Hoop Weaving Workshop, you will find an exciting new way to weave by using an embroidery hoop as a frame. This workshop will go over the basics of weaving and different techniques that can be incorporated into any project. At the end of the class, you will have your own unique piece of art to take home with you!

Date: Saturday, February 22 1-3pm

Sign up Here

Drop Spindle Spinning Workshop

Join us as we explore the history and mechanics of spinning, and use a drop spindle to create our very own yarn in this beginner drop spindle workshop. Whether you’re an experienced knitter or crocheter looking to expand your skills or entirely new to the world of fiber crafts, this workshop is for you. Spinning, though it might initially be daunting, has a rich history spanning thousands of years and offers a meditative creative outlet.

Date: February 23, 12-2pm, or 

March 30, 12-2pm

Sign up Here

Artist Statement

I never considered myself an artist until I became chronically ill in 2021 and ultimately became bedbound for a year. I turned to fiber art as a way to express my emotions and my story and stories of others. I found that the stories that I always turned to are those of female and queer communities in the United States. In my work with fiber and naturally found objects, I explore how these communities interact with society.

My work utilizes a wide variety of materials, including fiber, various types of fabric, beads, and naturally found objects. I have found that these materials add to my art by allowing viewers to relate in a multitude of ways and this relation of human to art may not happen if I was solely using fiber. I also use symbolism in my work, both broad symbols, such as denim representing sexual assault, or more specific symbols that only people who work with textiles would understand. Everything is created with a purpose and a statement in mind. By using these forms of communication, my desire is that the vast majority of people will be able derive meaning from my art in their own way, even if they may not have a background in art themselves.